Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May Loot

 Sadly there wasn't as much this month as in the past months, but the loot is still epic.

All that I received/ bought this month was Nendoroid Youmu Konpaku, so since there aren't that many photos, I just took some random ones.

Loot post up tonight

Loot post will be up tonight, even though it's a small loot.

Look forward to it!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Back from the prepublic

I am back from the dead.

I never got 100. Already know it :P

Let's hope I got a 90....

Off to write my exam...

Wish me good luck. I'll update possibly when I get home...

Aya for your entertainment:

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Math Prepublic tomorrow

 Going to be stressful but fun. I hope I can get a higher mark than my midterm (I believe it was a 84%). I've been getting high 90s the last semester, so hopefully I can get a 90.

Also, I went gliding with cadets today. Also shat bricks.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Weekly Lick 23

  Not a lot happened this week. I started studying for my math exam. Also, as I said in some post on the blog, I sadly can't get Gift's 1/8 Saber Lily anymore because she sold out on AmiAmi. I'll be getting Max Factory's 1/7 Xiao-Mei instead! C:

This week's theme is Fate/.

Anyway, here are the photos:

I think I found my answer

As I said in the last post, I couldn't get Saber Lily anymore because she was sold out. So what do I do now?

I have an answer, and Tony is a great man.

Max Factory's 1/7 Xiao-Mei from Shining Hearts,

Am saving up now. Hopefully I can get her before she's sold out.

WL to be released today as well!

Looks like I won't be getting Saber Lily

She's sold out.

New plans? Most likely Nendoroid Sanae or Nendoroid Hastune Miku HMO (if I can find).

Any other ideas?

Friday, May 27, 2011

10 000 Views!

 Holy crap! We hit it! Just think, 10 000 views in less than a year! Let's see if we can get to at least 12 000 for August (1 year anniversary).

Thanks so much!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Busy weeks will be busy

I have exams coming up plus some cadets things such as Annual, which is a big deal.

June might not have a lot of post.

July won't have any post except a few (because of camp)

August won't have a lot of post.

I'll try to change the theme before I leave C:

Anyway, here's a picture of Hina Kagiyama

 Current wallpaper C:

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Photoshoot: Out and About

  I decided this week that I was going to go outside one day and do a photoshoot. I did just that today.

All the pictures were taken in my backyard.

Editing Photoshoot

 Yeah, I actually went outside today to take a few photos.

Now editing them, may edit them on PS as well. ^^

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Weekly Lick 22

 It's May 24th Weekend! And that means that I get an extra day of weekend! (WOOT!)

Nothing much really happened this week, though it was exciting. First of all, we found our in Art Club that we were given $350 to create a logo for a labour council. My idea was chosen so far and now we are creating the logo. As well, I received my beautiful Nendoroid Youmu Konpaku in the mail. I also did a review of her and she ended up getting an almost-perfect score. Wow.

So, here are this week's pictures! Enjoy!

WL will be up tonight

Currently editing the photos on Lightroom.

They'll be up soon ^^

Also, if tomorrow is nice, I might bring some of the Nendos outside. I said I was going to today, but it wasn't too good today.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Boring Long Weekend will be Boring

Since it's the long weekend and all of my friends are gone to Toronto for a band trip, I'll have nothing to do.

If tomorrow is nice, I may do a photoshoot outside. THAT'S A MAY!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Review: Nendoroid Youmu Konpaku

  As shown in the unboxing post, I finally got Nendoroid Youmu Konpaku in the mail. At first, I ordered her because I wanted to complete my Ghost Duo (other nendo is Yuyuko Saigyouji) but after a while, I came to fall in love with Youmu and she became my favourite Touhou character. I couldn't wait for her to arrive. 

I find these photos aren't as good as the fast review, but I may be wrong. Hopefully Yuyuko's end up amazing.

So let's show her and a part of her box...

Currently Editing Photos

By editing, I mean going full-out PS on this baby.

BRB in like, 4 hours?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sick in bed

Yes, I am sick in best. Feels great, right?

I just woke up from a 2 hour nap.

Will still be going to cadets tonight though.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Unboxing: Nendoroid Youmu Konpaku

 Yesterday, I received a text message from The Asian telling me that Nendoroid Myan-chan had arrived. Sadly, since I never read it until 9:30, I couldn't go pick her up that day. Fast forward to today, when I received a text at 8:00PM from her telling me that I could go pick her up. I told my parents that I had to go drop off my friend's homework (Mwhahahahaha) and off I went.

I arrived my house several minutes later and rushed up stairs with this box:

Unboxing tonight, review in a few days

 I will be going to get Nendoroid Myon (Youmu) in about 2 hours, so I'll have an unboxing post later tonight and a review up in a few days (maybe Thursday).

Until then!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Youmu has arrived!

I got a message from The Asian today saying that Nendoroid Youmu Konpaku had arrived.

Will be getting her tomorrow after I pay her :P

Happy Time is Happy C:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

April Loot

  Never got much this month, yet the price of it all was pretty big for my standards, yet I only paid a little.

I keep saying this, but since I won some of my loot with month, I consider myself really lucky. I also forgot some of the stuff that I got, so I just took a few photos this month.

I got:
1/8 Senjougahara Hitagi Figure (GSC)
Touhou - Alice doujinshi
and LoZ: Spirit Tracks

Let's hope May brings more stuff. ^^

Weekly Lick 21

 A few small updates:

-I'll have the loot pictures up tonight. They are uploading to photobucket as we speak;
-My throat has been killing me for the last few days;
-I'm slated for Flight NCM for LCIC. I hope I can keep it that way. ^^

Anyway, not a lot happened this week. On Friday, I went to a youth group session (really awkward because it's a religious youth group) where we had Junk Wars, where we built spaceships out of junk. My team won ^^

As well, yesterday was the 2nd training session for CSLC, where I lost my voice again. It was awesome. 

Anywho, here are the pictures:

Friday, May 13, 2011

Weird Blogspot thing caused the late loot

Yeah, Blogspot was updating or something, so that's why there is no loot post.

Will be up soon?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Weekly Lick 20

 A lot happened this week. First, my parents went to St. John's for a few days, leaving me and my brother home with my pop. I ate out 3 days in a row (and apparently I gained 10 pounds. Guess who isn't eating chips all the time anymore). 

Also, this week was Festival 500, so I sung from Friday to Saturday. I found out from Scott, the guess composer, that I sing an octave lower than bass. That's always good (I think).

Anyway, here are the figures:

Lolol, new post

Haven't posted in a while. I fail.

Anyway, I'm currently editing the photos for WL 20, and will be taking some photos tomorrow for April's Loot.

If you want to know why I haven't been posting so much, it's because I've been playing Tora no Tsubasa.

I'm currently in the top 20 (hells ya!) and one of the highest archers (2nd or 3rd I think, but first in non-prems).

Anyway, I hope you join. It's awesome. I'm Pyridoxal btw.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I got Staff!

I received a call from my training officer an hour ago informing me that I was accepted for staff.

Feels good man C:

Conservative Majority

Feels bad man.

At least NDP is official opposition ^^

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Weekly Lick 19

  As stated before, a lot happened this week. I received my prize from Rin's contest, the Royal wedding happened, I got my braces changed and now one of the wires are digging into my mouth, etc.

So, here are the photos: